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Queen Guinevere Keepsake Discount Urn

ID: PR-456481

Queen Guinevere Keepsake Urn

List Price: $130.00 Your Price: $
Product Description:
The Queen Guinevere Keepsake Discount Urn is made from brass with a premium finish. The small size is ideal for families who are scattering or sharing the remains, and wish to keep a small portion. This token urn will create a treasured remembrance for all time.
Top opening lid.
Approximate Product Details:
  • Size: 2" Dia. x 3" H
  • Capacity: 3 cubic inches
  • Weight: 0.3 lbs.
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"My sister and I had ordered the urn a few days before our father had passed. We wanted to handle things before he died. The delivery timing was perfect and the product was beautiful. The whole process of purchase to use was seamless and made things easier for our mother and our family."
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Robin Jennings

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