Everyone, at one point or another, must experience the loss of a loved one. It is an unfortunate reality life, but while that may seem extremely sorrowful, there is a sense of comfort in that when we lose someone, we are not alone, and that here are others that can help us cope during a difficult time. In fact, grief support groups are now available, in which one can go and disclose their most honest feelings to others, without fearing offending someone else who is also experiencing the same loss. When trying to help those we know who have experienced a death, there is little that can be said to relieve their sense of loss or sadness. At times like these, actions speak louder than words. For example, bringing the family of the deceased food after their loss is an age old tradition and this simple act shows great compassion and kindness for a loved one. It is not necessarily traditional to bring a condolence gift, but it is also an act of kindness that will be greatly appreciated by the loved one nonetheless. That is not to say that the gift must be extravagant, instead it should be something that can help the person grieving through the difficult time. A prayer cross, angel comfort stone, or even a keepsake box in which they can store precious items of their lost loved one are all items that do not enforce a sense of loss, but rather bring inspiration and a sense of harmony to those they are presented to.
Shop the Memorials.com site for your perfect sympathy gifts. We offer over 800 sympathy gifts for you or your loved ones. These memorial gifts on our site come in a variety of different products and styles. A little something for everyone in the family or for friends to remember a loved one. From angel keepsakes to memory keepsakes, worry and memory stones or memorial wind chimes, Memorials.com has something to memorialize your dear one and the life they lived. Allowing everyone in the family to express their love in a special way. Browse some of the sympathy gifts that we have to offer below.
Angel Keepsakes

Angel keepsakes are a special type of sympathy gifts that feature angels in the the artwork. We have angel picture frames, wishing boxes, vases, small and large angel statues, angel lapel pins and angel worry stones. Honor the lives of your loved ones with a special angel sympathy gift from Memorials.com. We offer free shipping on all of our orders.
Keepsake & Memory Boxes

Memory and keepsake boxes allow you to have a somewhat personalized memorial by allowing you to place something small from your love inside. Place it right by an urn, a picture of your beloved or on your dresser or nightstand. They come in a few different sizes. Some are keepsake size which will hold a small heirloom inside. These smaller boxes are also small on price. Other memory boxes are larger and can hold more sacred memories. These beautifully crafted remembrance gifts are a perfect way to remember the life with pride.
Worry Stones & Keepsake Coins

The worry, comfort and memory stones in our collection come in sets and can be handed out at memorial services to friends and family. These sympathy gifts help family & friends gain comfort and are great tokens of affection to hand out to people at a wake, funeral or party as remembrance gifts. Or, instead of a stone, you can instead go with an Angel Keepsake Coin that has an angel on one side and a nice pre-selected saying on the back like "Angels Light the Way". This allows you to express yourself and the life of your beloved.
Memorial Vases, Candleholders, Tear Bottles & Keepsake Domes

Another great idea in our sympathy gifts collection are our memorial vases and candleholders. These great gifts allow for you honor and remembrance of someone you hold dear, while also being useful. Both the vases and candle holders can be put on display without any limitations. They are a great gift if you are a friend trying to find something for another friend who recently lost someone. If vases and candle holders are a little too utilitarian for your style, then browse our beautiful selection of tear bottles and keepsake domes. Both product lines are beautiful and have the ability to attract an audience when they are displayed.
Prayer Cards, Memorial Cards & Funeral Books

Finally, we have our paper sympathy gifts that come in the form of prayer or memorial cards. These cards create a great way for everyone to join together in their sympathy as the cards come in big, perforated sheets that allow for them to be easily handed out. These cards have beautiful messages of hope, love and sympathy for those who have passed.